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Hey there, my name is Maddy, I was born and live in Toronto, Canada. I'm 26 years old and love digital design. I consider myself to be about 70% introverted and 30% extroverted. I can be very outgoing at times and love hanging out with my friends but I also love my alone time when I can just chill, drink a cup of tea and do my own thing. 


Other things I love are going to the beach, eating tacos, skincare, makeup, shopping for home decor at Home Sense, and Starbucks, which is a big obsession of mine. My current fave drink is either an extra pump chai latte or iced tea. 


My day job used to include planning large-scale events but ever since COVID, my day to day has taken a major shift. In March of 2020, I launched my consulting business, MJ Consulting where I design websites and digital design for my clients. My creative outlet used to be my YouTube channel where I'd review makeup and skincare, which I haven't done in months but you never know... I might get back into it one day as it was something I used to love to do. 


My ideal evening would be cuddling up in bed with some tea and New Girl playing in the background as I design on my iPad for hours. This is my favourite way to decompress after a long day. Designing relaxes my mind and gets me excited about new creative ideas. After I had created a few designs that I really liked, I decided I would make them into stickers for my water bottle, laptop & phone case.


I have always believed in following my passions and maintaining my creativity through everything I do which is far more important to me than a stable 9-5. The combination of rekindling my love for design and the time I had to do so in 2020, is what lead me to open Mae Design Creations. 


Thank you so much for checking out my small business. I hope you stick around and follow me for more sticker designs and stationery coming soon! (pun intended haha)



- Maddy

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